Rank One Forms
Required Forms and Physical Guidelines
All students wishing to participate in Judson ISD Athletics for the 2023-2024 school year must be cleared by the Athletic Trainer (AT) prior to participation at the high school and middle school levels. All required forms listed below must be completed online in Rank One before any try-out, practice, athletic class, open gym, open weight room, athletic competition, or travels with an athletic team for any purpose.
The following forms can be found online at https://judsonisd.rankonesport.com.
- JISD Athletic Guidelines and Code of Conduct Notification and Agreement/ Student Information
- UIL Parent and Student Notification/Agreement Form- Illegal Steroid Use and Random Steroid Testing High School Only)
- UIL Concussion Acknowledgement Form
- UIL Acknowledgement of Rules
- UIL Sudden Cardiac Awareness Form
- Over the Counter Drug Consent Form
Students are also required to use the UIL Pre-participation - Physical Examination Form. NO OTHER Physical Examination Form can be accepted as per the UIL.
Click to download and print the Physical/Medical History Form
- A new physical exam must be given each year.